September 21, 2008

BEIJING TIP: Buy a rain poncho the same day u buy a bike!

Today it started pouring while Denis and I were out biking around 798 (pics to come later). We waited inside for about 1hr and the rain still kept coming down. As it was getting late, we had to bike home in the rain, in our shorts, t-shirt & sandals (abt 30min). 

Everyone else biking was wearing big ponchos that covered most of the body and bike (they come in red, yellow, blue or grey). Apparently you can buy them in the supermarket, too bad for us, there were no supermarkets on the way back home.

BJ TIP: buy a rain poncho from the supermarket!!!

update: rain poncho costs 36RMB at Lotus in Wudaokou

update: 1st post about 798

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