March 10, 2009

Everything tastes better with 腐乳

Pickled tofu 腐乳 (fu2ru3) aka Chinese cheese is awesome! It tastes great on bread, egg, rice, veggies, ham, etc. It's China's equivalent to ketchup; everything tastes better with 腐乳!

Here's the 腐乳 I ate with my toasted bread (gotta be toasted) today 王致和-香辣腐乳, can be found in any supermarket and keeps forever. I'll be trying out these 腐乳 recipes later.

If I ever build a fallout shelter, I'll be sure to put a box of 腐乳 on the shelf between the AA batteries and Ritz crackers.


Anonymous said...

mmm... furu is sooo good. i eat it with rice or congee.

RX said...

Furu can cure cancer

Anonymous said...

ho ho ho... we should start a restaurant that serves furu in everything. furu with jelly fish, furu chicken, furu green beans, furu egg soup, and furu fried rice.